Catch of the day…

…on a Chinese day weatherwise, it was cloudy but steaming hot in Paris today and I had to change my shirt three times. First time came this morning after I came back from the street market on Boulevard Richard Lenoir (you know it already, don’t you?). Have a look, it’s a weird selection: Seems, I had winter dreams while shopping (I mean: celery?). I’ll show you soon what I do with the cucumbers in the center, they’re of a special kind and I will try to find out their correct English name for you. They make a fabulous side dish when braised – and they might accompany the two chunks of label rouge salmon, for instance, a farmed fish from French shores but a good one (hopefully). The potatoes are Grenailles from the Noirmoutier island, the crude ham is from Savoy. They all tell a story. But there’s not enough time. Just one last question: Would you agree that “eggplant” is a quite ugly compared to: aubergine?

A lot of greens this week: my today's basket.

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